BRS ACADEMY is an impartial and competent body of BRSM

BRS training Academy has been established by benefiting from qualified and accredited counselors and teachers , professors, faculty members, Youth, powerful and diligent, with the purpose of increasing efficiency and productivity of industrial companies, Commercial and etc.This training academy is be working in providing training system services and management solutions and considers its customers all natural and legal persons. Helping them is known as their mission in order to maintain and improve the activities, increase profitability, improve work systems.
BRS Academy is formed based on the trust in the character of their employees. In selecting their colleagues so that the main criteria for the selection and development of human resources are knowledge, professional ethics and experience.
The main mission of training services in BRS Academy is being up to date, variety, applicability, effort to cover all training needs, in addition taking advantage of the capabilities and expertise in the organization field. What distinguish BRS Academy from other training institutions:
- Granting valid and official certification of BRS
- Using latest edited of the standards, international laws and regulations, latest experience in devising training courses
- Holding educational tours abroad

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